1. When the card pile is fully loaded, begin to sort (full card description below). Drag cards on the grid (+5 more like you, -5 less like you). Do not worry about the order from top to bottom.
2. If you do not resonate with the word or statement, place it in the discard area below. Don’t worry if you change your mind, this is just a sort area.

Discard your unused cards here

3. After you fill the entire grid, two buttons will appear below. Choose a FREE report or full report ($9.99). A report will be uploaded immediately. Save the PDF to your hard drive or print it out.

Instructions for the Relationship Quiz

It’s great that you decided to take the time to evaluate your job/relationship! There is no right or wrong when it comes to sorting. Take your time. The quiz is created for desktops and large tablets (NOTE: not formatted for phones and smaller tablets).

(Written instructions are below the video instructions.)


  1. The cards will download quickly. When the card pile is fully loaded, you can begin to sort. Use the grid on the right to place cards from the deck (NOTE: there are more cards than spaces to put them). Ask yourself “How do I relate to this statement? Take a look at the word on the card (full description below), and place it on the grid in order of what is more like you (+5) and what is less like you (-5). Do not worry about the order from top to bottom.
  1. If you do not resonate with the word or statement, place it in the discard area below. Don’t worry if you change your mind, this is just an area to sort. You can move the cards around and swap out cards from the discard pile to the grid. If you hover over the cards on the grid, you can still see the description of the card in the left sidebar.
  1. After you fill the entire grid with cards, feel free to continue to sort until you are satisfied with your sort, two buttons will appear below. Choose from a FREE report or full report ($9.99). A report will be uploaded immediately. If you want to keep the results, save the PDF to your hard drive or print it out.  The free report will give you an assessment of where you are right now. The full report will expand on the free report results and give you suggestions about your career/relationship. When you receive the free quiz results, the report will send you a link to upgrade to a full report.
We commend you for taking your job/relationship situation seriously. We hope you find this exercise helpful!